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Conflict Voices: A groundbreaking cross-border new media project by Armenian and Azerbaijani bloggers and journalists:
In 2005, Oneworld Multimedia produced a range of materials for UNICEF including a book of articles and photographs by Onnik Krikorian on the international organization's activities in Armenia. The book, also designed by Oneworld Multimedia, accompanied a series of five posters to raise awareness of various child-related issues in Armenia. An electronic PDF version of the book is also available for in English and Armenian.
Armenia: Poverty, Transition & Democracy is also available in physical format or viewing online.

In January 2008, Geographical published a feature article accompanied by photographs on Yezidis in Armenia. Oneworld Multimedia also covered the 19 February presidential election in Armenia and the August 2008 war between Russia and Georgia over South Ossetia on its new blog, The Caucasian Knot, at To stay up-to-date with his work for these organizations as well as that from Oneworld Multimedia please join .
